- If you found it on a public domain. As a rule of thumb, artwork usual enters the public domain because of old age (published before 1923 or 50 years after the creators’ death). Alternatively, the owner can give their art to the public without copyright protection.
- When you are sharing facts. If you copy a list of countries in the Olympics for example, you are not infringing on any intellectual property because they are facts and thus do not belong to any one person.
- When you are mentioning a title or the author. Mentioning a title or author of something is the same as stating a fact.
- When you are linking to something. Sharing the location of something does not require copyright permissions. The link is an address making it a fact, not a creative work.
- When it has a creative commons license. If the work has a creative commons license you should see it stated on the work itself. For example, some images on flicker are set to creative commons and gives the audience permission to download (remember to credit the creator) while others say ‘all right reserved’.
5 Must-knows of online sharing
What is copyright? Any time you create something original you own the intellectual property of that piece and only you have the right to display, to make copies or to modify your own work. Unless you give the permission, no one is allowed to copy or make money from what you have created. By uploading your images and press releases to your Press Loft account, you give permission to journalists to download and use your images and to quote your releases in their articles. And if you want to share something else you found online? If you love something that someone else has made you can still share it with others, but it’s important to cite and reference where you found your source. When can you share it freely?