Christmas PR strategy for 2024: Everything you need to know

The Christmas PR season has well and truly begun here on Press Loft, with downloads slowly trickling in from key long-lead publications since mid-May! Now, we know it may still feel too early for some (especially when summer feels like it’s only just begun), but the reality is that a lot of the dream publications on your coverage “wish list” will be prepping their festive features as early as possible. In fact, “Christmas” is already our top search on the platform! The demand for Christmas and winter product images are already rising, so now is the perfect time to get your Christmas PR strategy for 2024 in order.

Not sure where to start?

Don’t panic! We recently put together our core Christmas PR strategy webinar for the year, breaking down all of the essential tips and tricks you need to know to increase your chances of securing a spot in festive features from your favourite titles this holiday season:

  • Timelines: How timelines for potential Christmas coverage opportunities have evolved over the last few years thanks to the shift towards online content.
  • Gift Guides vs other features: Why gifts guides are the “gold standard” when it comes to festive coverage and how they boost your potential sales.
  • Key “dos and don’ts” for your imagery: Things to keep in mind when organising your festive shoots, as well as major things to avoid which will hinder you chances of being considered for a feature.
  • Press releases: How you can utilise the Press Loft platform to share your content with the media as well as some title suggestions to get you inspired.
  • Affiliate marketing: More specifically, how it will play a role in driving Christmas sales.

To watch the webinar in full, as well as access some of our free PDF resources designed to help with formulating your Christmas PR strategy, visit our video library by clicking the link below!

Christmas PR 2024 - Top tips for generating more coverage this Christmas