Press Loft USA interviews Australian client, Danielle Nichols on why she uses Press Loft
Q&A with Danielle Nichols, owner of Form. Function.Style
FORM.FUNCTION.STYLE was developed to provide a shopping experience with awareness and with insight – without sacrificing great style.
Why do you use Press Loft?
I use Press Loft to provide a broader exposure for our products and brand. I’ve found Press Loft is the most cost effective way – with a much higher return.

Why do you think it’s been so successful for your brand?
I think because we have such a wide range of media friendly products – to suit various editorial pages. It’s something we factor into our buying.
What’s one piece of advice you could give to a brand thinking of trying Press Loft USA for the first time?
Give it a try! Especially with a free trial and with a month by month commitment…you can’t go wrong. When you consider the time involved with case by case PR, sending out high res images, information and links – or the money spent on advertising – you realise how cost effective Press Loft really is. I highly recommend!