Key takeaways from BrightonSEO (April 2024)

Key takeaways from BrightonSEO's April 2024 show

Last week, the Press Loft team ventured down to Brighton to once again join thousands of companies and people taking part in the world’s biggest search conference, BrightonSEO! While the usual seaside sunshine didn’t join us for this edition, the less than stellar weather didn’t damper our mood as we kicked off two days of learning, networking and reconnecting with some familiar faces.

With speakers joining us from all over the globe to share their insights and expertise, it’s no wonder BrightonSEO has become THE destination for digital marketers of all skill levels to come together, learn about the latest shifts in the industry and hone their craft. Here is a quick round-up and a few key take-aways from our time at April’s show: 

First of all, what actually IS BrightonSEO? 

Think of it as the Woodstock of the digital marketing world, but instead of rock ‘n’ roll, it’s all about SEO, content, and how to navigate the ever-changing world of online marketing. What once began as a simple gathering above a pub back in 2010 has become THE place for the best and brightest in the industry to come together, swap insights, share tips, and generally geek out about all things internet-related. 

So many talks, so little time… 

As expected, the event was yet again filled to the brim with experts from far and wide delivering talks on a variety of topics. With so much content being crammed into just two days, it’s impossible to check out everything (especially if, like us, you’re also exhibiting). The team split up to check out a number of these amazing talks, and we came away with new perspectives and a lot of practical advice that we’ll be weaving into our own strategies for the months ahead!

Here’s just a few of our key takeaways: 

🤖 How to track and adapt to rapid changes in the PR and digital marketing sphere – we heard about some great tools and resources brands can utilise as part of their strategy, but the main sentiment was that in order to avoid stagnation brands need to be more comfortable and open to experimentation!

🫶 The importance of genuine high-quality content over quantity – a.k.a ways brands can tap back into more unique, creative storytelling that helps to set them apart in an age of generic AI content and automation.

😬 Leveraging Social Media for Search – While people are still using traditional search engines like Google, the search journey is evolving and becoming more complex as social media platforms like Tiktok, Pinterest and Reddit have become go-to search tools due to their real-time content and user engagement. With people now turning to these platforms as a first port-of-call to search about brands and products, it’s more important than ever that companies are creating content and establishing a presence that goes beyond traditional search engines.

The people are the heart of the event 

BrightonSEO isn’t just about the sessions and workshops—it’s the people who make it truly special. The energy from SEO pros, marketers, and tech enthusiasts from all over the globe was contagious! We had the pleasure of chatting with so many incredible individuals, from groundbreaking startups to established industry giants. This diverse crowd is what really sets BrightonSEO apart, and it’s why we’re always excited to come back. 

It isn’t all work and no play (in fact, it’s quite the opposite) 

It’s not all work at BrightonSEO—in fact, it’s quite the opposite! The brilliant organisers made sure there were plenty of opportunities to relax and have fun. From morning yoga and karaoke nights to scenic walks and after-show drinks, there was something for everyone. These activities were perfect for unwinding after a long day of learning, as well as an chance to connect with others in a more laid-back setting.

Final Thoughts 

BrightonSEO’s spring show was an unforgettable journey filled with inspiration, knowledge, and connections. We’re already counting down the days until the next event! To all those who made it happen – the organisers, speakers, and attendees – thank you for making this experience one for the books. We can’t wait to head back again in October!